【故事屋】英文故事: The Flower King


哈~~這篇日記該放在哪一個分類? 就 【好佳在愛看戲 】吧!

阿好和嘎嘎好愛故事屋~~~裡的說故事姊姊們哦 ^^



好佳在愛聽故事,這次卻是第一次參加 "英文" 故事活動^^

好媽以為故事屋裡的英文故事是 "完全英文" 的,所以一直不敢幫阿好和嘎嘎報名

(阿好曾被 "英文課" 嚇過,有點抗拒英文><)

沒想到這中文開場,全英文故事,中文DIY創作~~~ 讚!

看著完全融入的嘎嘎,好媽還以為嘎嘎聽得懂英文ㄌㄟ~~~ 呵~呵

All right! Now, I would try to tell this story in English. Hopefully, this is a readiable story under my typing. ><

There was a king who had a very sepecial crown. The crown was full of flowers. It is very interesting that the flower on King's head could tell the health of the king.The king always ate "good food" such as vegetables and fruits. Good foods made his flower crown looked good. "Bad food" made his flower crown looked bad.

One day, the king went outside the castle. All the views made him a good mood. A servant gave King some candies as gifts. The king had never taste anything like this, such a tasted food.

 Then, the king refused to have lunch and dinner. The king had lots of candies instead. Few days later, the beautiful flower crown wasn't pretty as usual. Eatting too many candies made the king's health go down.


The king needed good foods to make the flower crown look good again.

(All the kids help to "feed" good food to the king. It was fun. 好好and 嘎嘎 really enjoy in the activity.)

At the end, the king had his beautiful crown again after eating all those good foods.


故事屋的姊姊們已經備好:紙盤皇冠 和 花草黏貼包





